Reading K-2
Check these links for interventions relating to the following skills:
Universal Level (Tier 1):
The Phonics Project (Gr. 1) Topics include Early Literacy Concepts, Phonological Awareness, Letter/Sound Knowledge, Spelling Practices, High Frequency Words, Word Meaning, Word Structure and Word-Solving Actions.
Selected Level (Tier 2):
Targeted Level (Tier 3):
Related Files
Many of the items on this list are purchased products. This list was collected as part of a survey of Wisconsin schools and what interventions are being used for reading.
Related Links
Phonological Awareness and Literacy Skill Activities from the new PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) testing for Kindergarten.
RtI Initiative: Student Interactive Reading Activities
Excellent SmartBoard activities for all areas of beginning reading
The Phonics Project is structured after, Fountas & Pinnell's, Phonics Lessons, materials. Click on the buttons to view Smartboard lessons, computer practice, worksheets and assessments that you can use with Fountas and Pinnell's work.