About Us
Welcome to the PTO!
The Union Grove Elementary School PTO is an organization comprised of parents and teachers at UGES. The PTO works to enhance the learning environment for our students a number of ways such as different technologies, learning tools, books and other supplies for individual classrooms. The PTO assists classrooms with funding for items such as books, buses for field trips, supplies and many other things. We are able to provide these things through our various fundraising efforts. We also support special days and projects throughout the school year including Teacher Appreciation Day, the 8th Grade Graduation Dance, skate nights and Family Fun Night, just to name a few.
Meetings are once monthly and are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Any changes or exceptions will be announced ahead of time. We are always looking for new members and ideas so we hope to see you at a meeting in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out and a member of the board of directors would be happy to assist you!
Union Grove Elementary School PTO Board of Directors
Email: pto@uges.k12.wi.us
Facebook: Union Grove Elementary School PTO