8th Grade STEM Class (Career Pathways at UGHS)

Over the past couple of weeks, 8th graders learned about the Career Pathways available at Union Grove High School while attending STEM class .  Students took part in hands-on-activities while they were making career connections to each pathway.  

Here are the pathways and educational opportunities that the 8th graders participated in:

Information Technology Pathway-  Hobby picture graphic design for their portfolios.

Agriculture Pathway-  Butter making and tasting.

Healthcare Pathway-  Taking and recording vital signs.

Engineering and Manufacturing Pathway- Index card challenge and the movie "Dream Big."

It was nice seeing students enjoying the pathway lessons.  It was also a great way to help students decide on the classes that they wanted to sign-up for next year in high school.

Check out the Live Feed on the UGES Website for more great photos of our 8th graders in STEM class.