Sign your student up for the UGES Read-a-thon which take places from March 18th-28th.
Here’s how it works: Students can start collecting donations starting February 29 through March 18th.
1) Parents/guardians can register their student for the read-a-thon by clicking on the UGES READ-A-THON SIGN UP LINK below.
2)Students can begin reading books and tracking minutes starting March 18th.
3)Prizes will be awarded after the read-a-thon is over.
UGES Read-a-thon Sign-up Link Once you click on the link, scroll down to the bottom left side of the page under “group standings” and click “add participant.” Add your students name, a parent/guardian email address and their grade/teacher to complete the registration process.
Read-A-Thon prizes include:
1) Every student that signs up by 3/15 will get a bookmark (they will be distributed on the 18th which is the first day of the read-a-thon).
2) Every student that meets the goal of raising $100 will get scholastic dollars to spend at the next book fair.
3) Every student that meets the goal of reading 330 mins will get invited to a pretzel party which will take place after spring break.
Have little ones that can’t read yet?
They can still participate and log reading with a grown-up instead.
What is it? A read-a-thon is a fundraiser in which students track their reading progress and collect donations based on the total minutes, pages, or chapters they read. It's also a huge benefit to students. A read-a-thon can encourage students to read outside of school and motivate them to read more often. All money raised will be used to help teachers with supplies they may need, assist with bussing fees for field trips and help fund future PTO events.