Union Grove Elementary School Students celebrated Earth Day on Monday, April 22 by wearing their new Earth Day t-shirts and participating in many environmental activities/projects throughout the day. Eighth graders started the day off by cleaning up their outdoor exploration trail. Fourth grade students planted vegetables to grow in greenhouses donated by student council in honor of Earth day. Fourth grade also decorated with chalk drawings! In health class, seventh graders gathered items to design an eco-friendly bird house. Student Council and Leadership Union Grove Class rounded out the day by partnering on the Indian Trail park clean-up. Fifth grade also displayed their Earth Day projects in the learning center for the entire school to check out during the week. It was an amazing start to Earth Week at UGES. The UGES Green Committee aluminum can drive will continue to take place through Friday, April 26. Please place bags of aluminum cans in the back of the UGES truck which will be parked in the front parking lot all week. Continue to check out the UGES Website (live feed), Facebook and the UGES app for more Earth Week updates during the week.

UGES Celebrates Earth Day!
April 22, 2024