The energy in the Stevenson Gymnasium was electric on May 3 for the “Teacher/Staff Pie In The Face” assembly. For the past couple of weeks students have been earning Pony Pride Tickets which they’ve been placing in buckets by the main office. Initially it was the top three teachers/staff who were in the running to get a pie in the face. Since there was a tie, a fourth teacher was added to the mix. One-by-one, Ms.Gabinski, Ms. Santarelli, Mr. Bing, and Mr. Hansen received whip cream pies in their faces and on top of their heads. Cole G. (4th grade), Jaxxon S. (6th grade), Cooper S. (8th grade) and Liam J. (5th grade) were the lucky students who were selected at random to throw the pies. Afterwards all of the students went outside in the beautiful weather to enjoy popsicles and some outdoor time. It was a great day for UGES students and staff! Check out the UGES Website (live feed), Facebook and the UGES App for more great pictures from "Pie, Popsicles and Play."

"Pie, Popsicles, Play"
May 3, 2024