Union Grove Elementary School recently went through an audit of our current food service program. This audit is done by DPI and is done every five years. The audit went very well overall, but we do have to make a few changes to our food service program due to DPI mandates. These changes will take place on March 3rd.
- Beginning Monday, March 3rd, UGES will be going cashless for lunch milk. DPI has advised us that we must update our milk price to the actual cost, which means we are shifting from 25 cents to 30 cents. If your child would like extra milk or a la carte milk at lunch, please follow the instructions below to add money to your food service account to cover these changes.
-We are no longer allowed to substitute hot lunch milk with juice. If your child has a milk allergy or is lactose intolerant and takes hot lunch, please contact Mrs. Pulk in the Health Office.
Option #1-preferred
Login to your Skyward Family Access account.
Click on Family Access
Click on the Food Service tab on the left side
Click on Make a Payment, you will then be directed to to e~Funds for Schools
Expand Make a Payment and click on Fund Lunch
You will then set up an account if you have not already done so or Continue as guest.
Enter your student’s last name and Student or Family ID number
If you are unsure of either of the numbers, please contact the school office or you may locate it under the Portfolio tab in your Skyward account. Family ID# (UNION GROVE GRADED SCHOOL)
Option #2
Make out a check to UGES in the amount you would like to add to your student(s) account.
Please put in an envelope, including your student’s name and Food Service
All students in a family share the account balance, so you only need to add funds to one student.
All milk/ala carte purchases must have a positive balance in their food service account in order to make a purchase.
If you have any questions about this update please contact the school at 262-878-2015.